At the heart of the South London Community
Our funeral directors in South London
Our Locations
Local People Serving Local Families
Serving your family wherever you are in South London
Our Services
Explore our funeral packages below, so we can arrange the funeral you have in mind for your loved one. If you’re looking for a traditional or contemporary funeral with a service, you should consider our Attended Funeral. If you want us to arrange a simple cremation without mourners present, our Unattended Funeral may better suit your needs.
The Attended Funeral
The Attended Funeral provides a tailored and dignified goodbye for your loved one. Whether traditional or contemporary, you can pay your respects in the supportive company of family and friends.
The Unattended Funeral
The Unattended Funeral is a lower cost option that allows family and friends to remember your loved one in their own way, without the need for a traditional service or ceremony.
Our Memorials
Commemorate your loved one's life with a Memorial to keep their memory alive. Choose from a variety of options, from headstones, urns to memorial plaques, vases, benches, statues, jewellery, and more, allowing you to create something special that reflects their life, love, and cherished memories.