Our Funeral Directors in Kennington

218 Kennington Park Road, Kennington, SE11 4DA

At Ashton Maxwell Funeral Directors in Kennington, we are here to support you if a loved one has just passed away and you need help arranging the funeral.

About our funeral directors in Kennington

At Ashton Maxwell Funeral Directors in Kennington, we have been providing funeral services with uncompromising quality for over a century. Our team is made up of friendly, caring locals who will keep your best interests at heart every step of the way. Local people serving local families. We love our London community and welcome every family into our care with open arms. No matter what faith or culture, we will be able to cater to your needs and wishes, from a traditional, religious ceremony to a colourful celebration of life. Our chapels of rest enable you and your family to spend time with your loved one in the days leading up to the funeral. They are a place of peace and comfort in which you can find reflection and solitude. We are here for you, every step of the way. Please call us today at any hour.

To arrange a funeral for your loved one, please call our funeral home on 02077351926 today.

Team image

Meet our team

Our dedicated team at Ashton Maxwell Funeral Directors Kennington are paramount to the quality of care we provide. Our team have a passion for helping people and conducts every aspect of their roles with kindness, compassion and professionalism. Our local knowledge and expertise mean we understand the needs of our community and in so doing, offer an extremely high standard of care to our families. We are local people serving local families and It is our privilege and honour to walk with you every step of the way through this journey. You can call our team 24 hours a day, whenever you need us.

Our services

With three packages available, we will be able to arrange the funeral you have in mind for your loved one.

If you’re looking for a traditional or contemporary funeral with a service, you should consider our Attended Funeral. If you want us to arrange a simple cremation without mourners present, our Unattended Funeral may better suit your needs.

View our Standardised Price List, Additional Options Price List and Crematoria Price List.

How to find us


Speak to our team 24 hours a day on:

Our Address

218 Kennington Park Road
Kennington, SE11 4DA

Opening Hours

Day of the WeekHours
Monday:9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday:9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday:9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday:9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday:9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Directions and Parking

We are on the corner opposite Kennington Park, near the Nisa shop. There is limited parking in the alleyway to the side of the branch and permit parking on the road.

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